This is an (update) to my EZ Maritime file library for EZ-scenery
This update simply overwrites my original one so If you do not have my original one just use this one and add it to your fs9 library

This file adds some more Tow boats,barges,with textures and ideas by Joe DeGregorio (veteran Tow boat worker) and his textures are used..ThankZ Joe
This file also adds (Ian Thatcher's) ships to the EZ library..ThankX Ian (Visit FS SHIPYARDS) for those and here I have added 4 of his ships to EZ library..he has more and will get those in a new update..
IF you already have my EZ Maritime then just simply overwrite this one in your FS9 addon scenery folder and GO
PLUS make sure you copy the effects in...overwrite or not

If you have already made any sceneries with the original this update will not mess it up...all library guids are kept the same..just updated
This update also fixes (Busted up) looking objects that have parts that are animated ..The objects with animation on them still will apear in ez-scenery with no animation as you place them--plus some parts may appear out of place but the bulk of object is viewable and placeable..Also any objects with effects the waterspout/swordfish ect will not appear until you re boot FS9

1 Copy and add (to the FS9 Library) my folder (EZ_MARITIME) into your FS9 addon folder..via the settings/library Then search for (ron_ez_maritime)
within the libraries in your Abacus EZ-Scenery
Requirements..EZ_scenery by AbaCuS

Other notes
Lighthouse placement NotEs...Add the (DAY) lighthouse (first)while in daytime-place it,scale it ect..(THEN WITHOUT CHANGING ANY SETTINGS) Add the dusk and night versions..(Do noT) move(slew) or change any setting..this will place the dusk/night lighthouses in the same position,scale ect as the Day at day only the day one will dusk/dawn only
that one will appear..the same for night..this way the beams only turn on at the respective times..So follow this order
to the T...

(All objects are freeware and use them in your sceneries as you wish..)

By Ron Jeffers